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    Migrant laborers for the 5th consecutive time in Gujarat, stone pelted; Thousands of laborers gathered in UP and Haryana too

    Due to the lockdown, the anger of the migrant laborers trapped in different parts of the country has started growing. On Monday, similar images came from three states. For the 5th time in a row, the migrant laborers witnessed a ruckus in Gujarat. Here in Ahmedabad, the crowd got angry when the police stopped hundreds of laborers who came out for their footsteps. The workers started throwing stones at the police. The vehicles broke. Two policemen were injured in this. On the other hand, in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, thousands of crowd gathered to register for the labor special train. In Sonipat, Haryana, more than two thousand workers gathered at the stand to catch the bus.

    Trains will be run for many districts of UP

    UP government has set up a special camp for laborers at Ramlila Maidan in Ghaziabad. The laborers are being registered for Shramik Special Train here. The UP government will run a train to send these laborers to different districts of the state.

    Workers leaving factory in Haryana

    More than two thousand workers gathered in Sonepat, Haryana. All of them worked in factories located in the Kundali Industrial Area. One laborer said, “We are from different parts of UP and Bihar. The company is closed due to lockdown. We have been cut here somehow for 55 days. Now there is no money left. It is better to go home than starving. Will never come back here now.

    There has been ruckus in Surat and Rajkot

    Even before this, migrant laborers have caused a ruckus in Gujarat four times before this. In Surat twice, migrant laborers vandalized. All were demanding to go home. In Rajkot, migrant laborers broke into vehicles on Sunday in Shapar Industrial Area. After the cancellation of labor special trains going to Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, the workers created a ruckus. Vehicles were stopped on the road and stones were broken. This is the second time a stir has taken place in Ahmedabad. Earlier on May 3, the workers created a ruckus.


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