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    First time Supreme Court judges hearing without wearing gowns, Chief Justice Belle – Corona threat, new dress code issued

    • Heavy and diffuse clothing is expected to spread corona, lawyers also got relief
    • Such a change happened for the first time after independence, there is a provision in the constitution to exempt the dress code.

    The Corona epidemic has also forced the judiciary to change the dress code along with the way it functions. On Wednesday, a new chapter was added to the history of the Supreme Court, when for the first time, the judges heard without wearing jackets, coats and gowns. Chief Justice SA Bobde said that Corona will issue a new dress code order until the crisis persists. Late evening a new dress card was issued for the lawyers and judges.

    Men can wear white shirt and band while women can wear white saree / suit and band

    On Wednesday, a petition was being heard in the Supreme Court through video conferencing on the matter of completely shutting down WhatsApp payment service. Chief Justice Bobde and fellow judge Justice Rishikesh Rai were wearing only white shirts and neck bands without jackets, coats and gowns. Senior advocate Kapil Sibal asked him why Peetha has not worn a gown?

    To this, the Chief Justice said that he had sought the opinion of doctors regarding the prevention of corona infection. According to him, the virus is easily spread by heavy and diffuse clothing. Considering this, we are hearing only by wearing white shirt and band. We are also considering this for lawyers.

    After this, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta was also seen wearing a white shirt and band during another hearing. According to the circular issued late evening, male lawyers can wear white shirt and band, while women can wear white saree / suit and band.

    For the first time such a change is happening in the judiciary after independence

    You know, this is the first time such a change is taking place in the judiciary after the independence of the country. According to former Supreme Court Justice BS Chauhan, there is a provision in the Constitution that relaxation of dress code can be done on unavoidable circumstances or on the advice of a doctor.

    Officers, employees got relief from dress code in April itself

    The Supreme Court has already given relief to its employees and officers from the dress code. The internal circular issued on April 24 stated that experts believe that clothes worn to prevent corona infection should be washed daily. It is not possible to wear a coat-tie daily. So all the officers and employees will come on duty without a coat-tie till further orders.


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