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    Honest efforts needed to implement govt measures at ground-level: Mayawati

    BSP supremo Mayawati has said that the steps taken by the Center to improve the economy should be tried honestly on the ground. Mayawati tweeted, “Believing all the steps the Center has taken to improve the extreme conditions, chaos and collapsed economy of the country due to unprecedented corona lockdown, BSP says that it should be implemented honestly on the ground Effort should be started immediately.

    He added, “Also, the help of Rs 1,000 crore announced for the helpless and marginalized crores of migrant laborers should be given directly to the highly affected states like UP”. Mayawati said, “so that it So that we can have real support to stand on our feet and the poor and laborers do not have to be forced to migrate further.

    Significantly, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his address to the nation on May 12 that disaster has to be turned into an opportunity and now there is only one way ‘self-sufficient India’. During this, he announced an economic package of 20 lakh crores.

    He said that the package would be around Rs 20 lakh crore, including the recent decisions of the government, the Reserve Bank’s announcements, which is about 10 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).


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