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    Modi advocated local products, said, ‘We should be vocal about local’

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi advocated the use of products made in the country, stating that the coronavirus epidemic has taught the importance of local manufacturing, local markets and local supply chains.

    In his address to the nation, he said, ‘In this time of crisis, this local has fulfilled our demand, this local has saved us. Local is not just a requirement, but also our responsibility.

    The Prime Minister said, ‘From today onwards every Indian will have to be vocal for his local. He has to be vocal not only for buying local things but also for promoting it with pride.

    He said, ‘Global brands were also local in the same way. But when people started using them, they started promoting them, branding them and feeling proud of them, they became global with local products. ‘ Modi said that he is confident that the country can do this.

    He said, ‘Every time my efforts have increased my respect for you, when I requested you to buy Khadi. It was also said that the handloom workers of the country should be supported. Demand and sales of Khadi and handloom reached record levels in no time. Not only this, you have made it a big brand. It was just a small effort and the result was good.


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