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    Noida: Two policemen injured in a speeding vehicle collision

    An unidentified car driver speeding and recklessly driving two policemen on a Police Response Vehicle (PRV) near Sector 104 of Police Station Sector 39, both of them were seriously injured. Assistant Commissioner of Police Arun Kumar Singh said that Constable Vijendra Kumar and Home Guard Vinod Kumar, who went out on patrol on a motorcycle, were hit by an unknown car driver while driving fast and carelessly on Wednesday. They said that both were seriously injured in the incident. The injured have been admitted to Noida’s Real Hospital. Police is investigating the case by registering an incident report.

    A girl troubled by illness committed suicide

    A 16-year-old teenager living in Sadarpur colony of police station Sector 39 area on Wednesday succumbed to a fan, which later died. Assistant Commissioner of Police Arun Kumar Singh said that the teenager hanged the fan at his house on Wednesday evening. He said that the teenager was admitted to Noida’s district hospital in critical condition by his family members. Where he died late during treatment. Singh said that during interrogation, the police came to know that the teenager was ill. Because of this she was under mental stress. He said that the police took the body in possession and sent it for postmortem.

    Unknown youth dies

    In a separate incident, a young man found unconscious at a petrol pump located at Sector 41 of the Sector 39 area of ​​the police station died during treatment. Police have taken the body and sent it for postmortem. ACP Singh said that on 10 May, the youth was found by the police in unconscious state. The police admitted the young man to the district hospital in Noida, where he died during treatment on Wednesday late night. He said that the youth has been identified as Soni Lal Sharma, son of Motilal Sharma, resident of Bulandshahr district. Singh said that to find out the cause of death, the police have taken the dead body and sent it for postmortem. Information has been given to the relatives of the deceased. They are reaching Noida.


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