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    PM Modi enumerated five voices for new business and work culture

    PM Narendra Modi shared his Thoughts through a blog. Given below are the details:

    Today the world is exploring new business models. COVID disease does not see caste, religion, colour, class, race before attacking. Being a young country can lead to creating a new culture of working through its innovative passion. I believe that five tones will define the new business and work culture. I am calling these “vowels of new acceptance” because these five vowels are going to be the main element of the business model of the post-COVID world like English.

    Voice 1 – Adaptability

     Can we model telemedicine services to the world?

    The time has come to think of such a form of business and lifestyle that can be easily adopted. This will keep our office business and commerce moving rapidly in times of crisis. It will not cause loss of life. The best example of this favourable capability is digital payment. Large small shoppers invest in digital devices and allow commercial activities to go on. India already sees a spurt in digital transactions.

    Another example is telemedicine. We are already seeing that many people are getting medical advice without going to the clinic or hospital. This is a positive sign. Can we consider a business model that provides telemedicine services around the world?

    Voice 2 – Efficiency

    The importance should be given to the performers, not to those who show up.

    Perhaps this is the time to revisit the ways of efficiency. Efficiency does not mean how many hours we give in the office. We need to create a model in which productivity and efficiency are more important than being seen working. Emphasis should be given to complete the work in due time.

    Voice 3 – Inclusivity

    Caring for the poor

    Let’s create a business model in which caring for the poor is paramount. We have made considerable progress in fighting climate change. Mother Nature has told how fast it can prosper if human activities slow down. Such technologies have a good future that can reduce the burden on the earth. COVID-19 has taught us that healthcare needs to be affordable and delivered on a large scale. We can be a guide for global efforts to provide health services to all of humanity. We need to invest in such an innovation that can provide information, machinery and market to our farmers at all costs so that the necessary material can reach our citizens.

    Voice 4 – Opportunity

    Crisis brings opportunity

    Every crisis brings opportunity. COVID-19 is also no different. Let us evaluate the Indian regions that are going to create new opportunities and growth so that India can stay ahead in the North COVID world instead of going after someone else. Let’s think about how our people can do this with their capabilities.

    Voice 5 – Universalism

    Combat unity and brotherhood

    Covid -19 does not look at race, religion, colour, race, class, language or boundaries before attacking. Thus our response and conduct should also be based on unity and brotherhood. We are all against it. In such moments before history, society and country are standing against each other. But today the situation is different. All are facing the same challenge. The future will be unity and togetherness. The next big idea for the world should be of global contemporary and utility from India. It should have the potential to bring positive change for all of humanity, not just India.

    Also suggested

    Make India the nerve centre of the global supply system.

    Until recently, the exchange and transportation of goods were seen from the perspective of roads, warehouses and ports. Experts can now control the global supply system while sitting in their homes. India can become such a nerve centre for the world where modern but complex supply systems are run through shared use of physical and virtual capacity. Answer: We will have to seize this opportunity in the time of COVID-19. I request everyone to think about it and contribute.

    The challenge

    Take care of your health

    Moving from Bring Your Own Device to Work From Home, new challenges of balancing work and personal matters are coming up. Do not forget your fitness among them all. People should try to improve their physical and mental state. Traditional medicine method is also useful in keeping fit. The Ministry of AYUSH has also released a protocol to stay healthy. Check it out. Finally, please download the Arogya App. It is designed keeping in mind the future that helps prevent COVID-19 from spreading through technology.


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