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    Special Flight Carries 132 Stranded Indians from Muscat to Bihar

    May 24, 2020, A special flight brought 132 stranded Indians from Muskat landed at Gaya International airport on Sunday, aviation officials confirmed.

    Of the 132 returned, 116 are from Bihar and the remaining 16 from Jharkhand, Gaya airport director Dilip Kumar said. He added, ‘’ None of the passengers exhibited any symptoms of Coronavirus during screening and medical examination.’’

    ‘’After completion of their immigration formalities, the returnees from Bihar were sent to a hotel, would be quarantined for the next 14 days. Those from Jharkhand were sent to the state in a vehicle dispatched by the Jharkhand government, ‘’Mr. Kumar further said.

    Last week, a chartered plane has been landed in Gaya brought 41 Indians stranded in London.


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