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    The Supreme Court will hear from 18 May to 19 June through video conferencing, for which 5 benches were made

    • Bench will hear new and pending cases
    • Each bench will have three judges

    This time there will be no summer holidays in the Supreme Court. During this time, five Bench cases will be heard. Each bench will have three judges. These benches will hear new and pending cases through video conferencing. The country’s largest court was to have summer vacation from May 18 to July 6.

    Earlier, the Supreme Court had decided to hold a single judge bench hearing from May 13 for early disposal of the pending case. It was the first in the history of the Supreme Court. A bench of the Supreme Court usually consisted of at least two judges. The single judge bench will hear Special Leave Petition (SLP) and all types of transfer cases in bail cases. The change was approved in September last year.

    Supreme Court is hearing important cases through video conferencing

    • According to the Law Ministry data, till July last year there were 11.5 lakh case pending in the Supreme Court. Because of the Corona crisis, the Supreme Court is hearing very important cases through video conferencing.
    • The single judge bench will hear bail or anticipatory bail petitions in cases of sentence up to seven years. Till now the bench of two judges used to hear in such cases. In September last year, the Supreme Court approved a single judge bench by changing the rules. This system will now be implemented.


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