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    Three terrorists killed in Srinagar, for the first time in 4 months, the leaders of 4 terrorist organizations wiped out

    Srinagar: The operation in the Junimar area has ended since Sunday morning. Security forces killed three terrorists hiding in a house. Two have been identified. He has been identified as Shakur Farooq Lungu of Bharthana (Srinagar) and Shahid Ahmed Bhat of Bijbehara. The third terrorist has not been identified. All these terrorist organizations were associated with Hizbul Mujahideen and Islamic State.

    On the other hand, the Jammu and Kashmir Police said that with the elimination of these terrorists, this is the first time in history that the Chief of 4 major terrorist organizations has been wiped out in 4 months. Jammu and Kashmir IG Vijay Kumar said that Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Hizbul Mujahideen and Ansar Gajwat-ul Hind’s bosses were killed in 4 months.

    Appealed to the terrorists to surrender

    The IG said that the terrorists who were killed in Srinagar were local terrorists. During the operation, he entered a house to hide. We asked some respected people here to surrender to the terrorists. However, the terrorists attacked the security forces with grenades instead of obeying them. He was then killed in an encounter.

    Drones are being sent weapons for Jaish terrorists

    Vijay Kumar said that the drone that BSF killed in Kathua was in the name of Ali Bhai. He is a Jaish terrorist and is active in South Kashmir. It had M4 rifles. When we scrutinize the record, the name of a terrorist of Pulwama is Furkan. This M4 rifle may have been sent from Pakistani drones for Furkan only.

    In Kulgam, AK-47 and M4 carbine have also been recovered from a Jaish terrorist. It has also been observed that Jaish terrorists use M4 rifles.

    Pakistani drone was shot on Saturday

    A day earlier, a Pakistani drone was shot down by BSF in Pansar area of ​​Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir. Weapons were sent to terrorists from Pakistan through this drone. It had an American rifle, two magazines and other weapons. This consignment came in the name of an Ali brother. It was 250 meters inside the Indian territory. The BSF jawan dropped the drone by firing 9 rounds.


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