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    Unleash the Power of Instagram

    It is now easy to see the power of Instagram. This is because a lot of large brands are successful with Instagram. If you have a small business and a tight budget, you can still use Instagram. 

    Instagram works for both small and big brands. If you can, therefore, execute the right strategy, your small business can get more followers, engagement, and likes on Instagram. 

    If you just started your small business or startup, you do not have to spend money to grow your business on Instagram. 

    Here are the tips from Blastup for growing on Instagram: 

    Work with Micro-Influencers 

    If you do not have a huge budget, then you cannot afford to work with popular influencers. You can, however, work with micro-influencers. 

    You can use influencer marketing to grow your small business. In fact, influencer marketing thrives on Instagram. Influencer marketing can increase your visibility and drive traffic to your website. 

    Therefore, if you want to get more shares, comments, and likes on Instagram, you need to contact micro-influencers. They can work with you since they are still creating their names. 

    If they can work with your budget, do not hesitate to work with them. However, you need to choose influencers who align with your vision and brand persona. 

    If your collaboration seems natural, you can get more loyal followers. 

    Use Videos 

    Instagram is popular because it is a visual medium. A lot of people use Instagram because of its appealing content. You, therefore, need to create the best content if you want to grow your small business. 

    You need to post high-quality pictures and write killer captions. Do not just focus on posting pictures. You can post other forms of content, including videos. 

    You can use Instagram features, such as IGTV videos, stories, reels, etc., to grow your small business on Instagram. Do not just upload image posts. You can post interesting videos to increase engagement. 

    Make sure your videos are in different layouts and formats. You can even use trendy music to increase your engagement. 

    Make sure the sound quality of your videos is good. In addition, you can add subtitles to reach more people. 

    If you want to get more followers without buying followers, you need to create striking and captivating content.  

    Use Giveaways and Contests 

    Almost everyone loves free goods and products. If you can give away free products, you can increase your reach and grow your business on Instagram. 

    Once you get several Instagram followers, you can now put contests and giveaways on your Instagram stories and feed. You can even use customized hashtags to increase the reach of your contests and giveaways

    You need to promote your contests and giveaways a few days before the actual release. You can, therefore, drop hints and teasers on your Instagram posts and stories. 

    You can even create giveaways and contests around a theme. For instance, you can ask people to tag their friends, follow you, or repost to increase their chances of winning the prize. 

    If they can tag their friends and shares your posts, you can reach a larger audience. Tags, shares, and reposts can help you increase your reach. 

    You can also collaborate with an influencer or another brand to host the giveaway. The collaboration can help you grow quickly on Instagram. 

    Use Third-Party Tools 

    It takes a lot of effort to plan and execute a content strategy. You need to check several details and create and post new content consistently. You may never have enough time to do everything. 

    If you cannot get more time to focus on your content strategy, your small business may fail.  

    You can, therefore, use third-party tools to grow your business on Instagram. 

    A lot of people do not purchase Instagram followers. Why? They think the followers cannot help them grow their brands. 

    It is, however, much easier to find tools for getting Instagram comments and likes. You can use these tools to increase your following and grow your small business.

    Can you afford to use these tools? It is easy to find affordable tools. If you cannot afford the expensive tools, you can use the affordable ones. 

    You can use them to grow organically without spending too much money. 

    Some of the best tools are Kicksta, Post Planner, and Combin. You can start with these tools. 

    You can use third-party tools to auto-engage with your audience and plan and schedule your posts. 

    Third-party tools can save you a lot of time. 

    Use Instagram Ads 

    A lot of small businesses do pay for ads because they are expensive. 

    If you do not have a huge budget, you may have to think twice about paying for ads. 

    It is, however, more affordable to use Instagram ads. You can, therefore, pay for Instagram ads to grow your small business

    It is simple to get started with Instagram ads. If you have a Facebook advertising account, you can use Instagram ads. You, however, need to create new assets and templates for your Instagram strategy. 

    You need to use a strong CTA to get more leads.


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