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    Faridabad: Relief to companies, late submission of PF contribution will not attract penalty

    The Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has given great relief to about 6 thousand companies of the district during the Corona period. Now if there is a delay on depositing the PF contribution (contribution) of the employees, then they will not have to pay penalty. Whereas, before the 15th, if the company did not contribute to the PF, EPFO ​​was fined 5 to 25 per cent. Officials say that the financial condition of most companies and institutions is not well due to the Corona epidemic at this time.

    In view of this, there will be no penalty for delay in PF contribution till lockdown. Regional Commissioner of EPFO ​​Bhupendra Singh said that about 6 thousand companies are registered with EPFO ​​in Faridabad. They have to submit their contribution to the PF by 15th of every month. But these companies are closed due to the lockdown implemented since March 25 for the prevention of corona virus. In such a situation, the financial condition of most is bad.


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