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    Lockdown extended till May 31 in Punjab, relaxation will be given after Lockdown ends from May 18

    Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh said on Saturday evening that the COVID-19 lockdown implemented in the state will continue till May 31, but the government will lift curfew restrictions.

    The Chief Minister said, “There will be no curfew in the state from May 18 but the lockdown will continue till May 31.” He indicated that from May 18, public transport will start running to some extent.

    He said that the state government will announce further relaxation from May 18, but at the same time he sought the help of the people to stop the spread of Covid-19 in the state.

    CM Amarinder Singh said, ‘I will allow opening of most shops and small industries from May 18.’

    The Chief Minister said that educational institutions will remain closed during this period. He also said, ‘There will be no increase in the fees of private schools this year.’


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