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    Rent should not be taken from migrant laborers, states and railways should make arrangements for meal – Supreme Court

    During the hearing on the plight of migrant laborers during the corona virus lockdown, the Supreme Court said that no bus or train fare would be charged from migrant workers. They should be provided food by the state. Food and water should be provided by the railways in trains.

    The court also said that migrant workers going on foot should be immediately taken to the shelter sites and food and all basic facilities should be provided. The court said that it was concerned with the difficulties of migrants to reach their place of origin. It has found many flaws in the process of registration, and provision of food and water. The court asked all the states to submit their details by Friday (June 5) on the help being given to the migrant laborers. Hearing will be held again on Friday.

    Earlier, the Center informed that 91 lakh migrants have been shifted to their destinations so far. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the Center in the court, said that 80 per cent of the expatriates are from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.


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