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    Trump is behind Modi even after being more active on Facebook

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi remains first on the list of most favorite leaders on Facebook. According to the twiplomacy report, US President Donald Trump is second in spite of being more active in the matter. Trump’s Facebook page grew by 9.4% in the last 12 months, but he could not overtake Modi.

    Twiplomacy is the leading global study of world leaders on Twitter. He revealed in his research that Trump is more active on Facebook than Indian Prime Minister Modi. This earned him 309 million interactions (comments, likes, and shares) in the last 12 months and topped. This number was three times that of Modi; he is behind Modi in a strike rate of interaction.

    There is an average of 11 posts per day on the US President’s Facebook page. While the average of posts on Modi’s Facebook page is one post per day. If Modi got more than two lakh interactions on every Facebook post, Trump, on average, got 75521 interactions. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is also ahead of the US President in this matter.


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